Nordic Republicans was pleased to attend a Holiday Reception gathering hosted by US Ambassador Carla Sands at her residence in Charlottenlund, Denmark, on December 4, 2019.
Originally Nordic Republicans’ President and Founder Lauren Ell was personally invited, but she was unable to attend. Nordic Republicans’ contact Thomas Van Hare was happy to attend in Ell’s place and meet US Ambassador Carla Sands.
The event was hosted at the personal residence of the US Ambassador, known as “Rydhave,” located in a suburban area north of central Copenhagen. The gathering featured a lovely array of specialty holiday foods, as well as attendees primarily from the Copenhagen area.
Here are photos from the event. Thank you Thomas!
US Ambassador Carla Sands with Nordic Republicans’ Representative Thomas Van HareResidence of the US Ambassador in a suburban area of Copenhagen.Mingling at a Holiday Reception hosted by US Ambassador Carla Sands in Copenhagen on December 4, 2019.Mingling at US Ambassador Carla Sands’ Holiday Reception held on December 4, 2019, in Copenhagen.Mingling at a Holiday Reception hosted by US Ambassador Carla Sands in Copenhagen on December 4, 2019.Mingling at a Holiday Reception hosted by US Ambassador Carla Sands in Copenhagen on December 4, 2019.Holiday food at a Holiday Reception hosted by US Ambassador Carla Sands in Copenhagen on December 4, 2019.Holiday food at a Holiday Reception hosted by US Ambassador Carla Sands in Copenhagen on December 4, 2019.A decorated Christmas tree at a Holiday Reception hosted by US Ambassador Carla Sands in Copenhagen on December 4, 2019.Art of the Danish flag at a Holiday Reception hosted by US Ambassador Carla Sands in Copenhagen on December 4, 2019.Residence of the US Ambassador in a suburban area of Copenhagen.
Nordic Republicans is an organization founded in summer of 2018 that represents registered Republicans located in the Nordic region consisting of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. Connect with Nordic Republicans on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.